I found the central market while on route to buy stainless steel dental wire for my other life. And it turns out they have "junk" stalls as well as fresh fruit and veg etc, and here are some of the things I found... (warning: present spoilers ahead)

it's a tray, it's tin, it has a picture of a strange black sausage on it. My buddies here tell me that it's traditional Estonian sausage, and it's traditional to serve it with a bowl of cranberries and beer. Lucky Max gets this as his travel present.
I got this at the same time...

as it seemed appropriate to not separate them. I don't, however, have any friends who hunt, so maybe it will go and live with Mitzi in the hills
And this is, of course, for the knitter who needs to start a blog herself

cheers, a
cold cuts and dead animal trays.
Anna, you are a genius.
why, thank you! you are too kind
That sausage tray is truly magnificent...
stay away from the sausage - at all costs - stay away
mary lesley ( my australian name )
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